Sunday 8 March 2009

Books into film?

I've just read over than the Longstockings that the Hunger Games is being considered for a film. While it could potentially become one of the best-films-ever, I'm apprehensive. The story just seems to me like it's better suited for a book than a movie.

I know there are a lot of Hunger Games fans out there, what do you people think? Will the Hunger Games make a good movie?
*Edited to add*
And a random question - I often get posts up on my Blog follower feed on my homepage where the post that hasn't actually been posted on the blog yet. Usually, the post goes up some time later that day or the next day. Does this happen to other people too? Is it because the blogger has written the post as a draft and does this mean that when I write a draft but don't post it, it's still coming up on peoples feeds? I hope this makes sense to people.


  1. Er. My brother approached me on this subject a bit freaked out too. It's just so difficult to turn a bestselling book into a movie, even though The Hunger Games really reads like a movie. And isn't it a satire on reality TV also? I don't know. I'm apprehensive. What if it's another Twilight? Ugh.

  2. Oh! And I just saw your comment over on my blog. If Poison Study was only topped by The Hunger Games in your book, then wow! I'm soo excited to read it.

  3. I think it would make a good movie if it sticks to the book. There is so much action in the book, it would be fun to actually watch it on a screen.

    And for the feeds, that dosn't happen to me (where my drafts show up), but posts that I've published but then immediately deleted still show up. That's annoying because I don't want people to see posts that I've deleted.

  4. I think it'd make quite a good film, as long as they wrote a good screenplay, and paid attention to the source material.

  5. I agree with Steph Su that The Hunger Games reads like a movie, so I guess it makes sense that one is in the works. I think it might be difficult to make a film with that much violence involving children. It could either be really dark and disturbing, or it could end up being a bit cheesy if they try to give it too wide of an appeal. Either way, I'm curious.

  6. I think it will be difficult to balance the violence with the ages, so yeah, it could be cheesy. It would make a great film if it was done perfectly, but there's so many small things that could ruin it. That's how I feel anyway. I guess the actors will play a big part.

    And yeah Steph Su, I loved Poison Study. A lot =)

  7. I really wonder about the werewolf/dog scene...

  8. I think that when directors and scrren writers try to stay too true to the book, things go bad since books don't mave the same way that movies do. If they're going to make ANY book into a movie, the movie needs to be it's OWN entity. That means that the screen writers and diectors need to the book as INSPIRATION, not as a how to-guide.

  9. for this particular book, i think it would ruin it. it's just one of those where you have to read it to really be in that world because it part imagination, part descroption it gives you. did that make sense? lol
    thanks for the comment! i'm so relived it's working now.

  10. I agree with you Pen Pen. And yet for every small thing they have to cut for cinematic reasons, there will be hundreds of fans disappointed because they *love* that thing. It's always a problem, but with the Hunger Games I think there's more they will have to cut to make it work on screen, because as Amy says, so much of it is for the imagination. These will probably include things I love about the book, but for a sucessful film they'll have to go.
    It might be a great film, but it won't be the book I love. Does that make sense?

  11. About the second part, I think it's people who have accidentally posted it when they wanted it to be set for later and they forgot to change the time thing. (I've done that...)
