Monday 20 April 2009

Awards time

Yep, it's that time again!

Jo has given me the You Don't Say Award for top commenters. I'm not even going to try to nominate people for this one, because I know I'll miss someone out. So if you have ever commented on this blog, then you're great. And if you've ever commented on this blog MORE THAN ONCE, you definitely win this award. Because it means YOU CAME BACK!!! And for that, I give you this Panda. Cherish him.


The Book Girl has announced that my blog is lovely! This award is for new blogs and new blogging friends. Isn't the button pretty? Because I'm lazy, I'm not going to follow the rules and award 15 new bloggers with this, but a couple of deserving newly-discovered bloggers are:

Jen from 50 for Jen
Jo of Ink and Paper fame

And just before posting this, Jo gave me yet another award, the Premio Dardos Award. Thanks Jo!

This is awarded for 'showing cultural values, ethics, great and fun writing skills, as well as individual values, through their creative writing.' I haven't written nearly as creatively as I could on About Books, but now I think maybe I could put more effort in. Like I could have fun subtitles for my reviews as Cecilia does. Or I could (try to) make my reviews as well-written and interesting as Adele's. I might at least go for coherance and try to give the impression that I think before I type (that would be Lenore, who makes relevance seem effortless.) Everything she posts is worth reading. So to you three, I pass on this award for being well-written and making your posts so much fun to read.

*I've just noticed that I never follow award rules. Maybe it's because I'm lazy and usually they demand me to pick (and link to) excessive amounts of blogs? Or maybe it's because I'm actually a rebel and like to shake things up? Take your pick.*


  1. WOW! Three awards?! That's unbelievable!

  2. Congrats!
    And thanks, you're lovely too ^_^

  3. Aww, cheers! Thank you! And you deserve all the awards!

  4. wow wow wow
    WHY didn't I find your blog earlier?
    It's awesome!!

    But being a hardcore bookworm myself, any book-related blog is immediatley followed.

    xo xo

  5. Thanks everyone :)
    Kate - welcome. And thankyou so much!
